Here’s a short and diverse list with books signed by California clipper ship builder Matthew Turner, historian and bibliographer M.V. Brewington, some interesting manuscript items, including an unpublished history of the Revolutionary War by a participant, the archive of a Boston sea captain with a 1/6th plate daguerreotype of the captain and his missus, and – speaking of missuses – a couple of gems entitled “How I managed my Husband” and “How She Earned It or, $25,000 in Eleven Years by the Woman Who Did It.”
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Auction Catalog.
Catalogue d’une nombreuse collection de livres en tout genre, rares et curieux
Chez Nicholas van Daalen & Benjamin Gilbert., ( (1765)), La Haye, France
20 cm. 240; 236 pp.
Item #:47855
Price: $250
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Barra, E.I.
A Tale of Two Oceans; New Story by an Old Californian.
E.I. Barra, ( 1893), San Francisco
23 cm. (7), 8-198 pp. b/w title page engraving
Item #:47871
Price: $175
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Bolles, Frank.
From Blomidon to Smoky and Other Papers.
Houghton, Mifflin, ( 1894), Boston
17.5 cm. (4), 278 pp.
Item #:47861
Price: $45
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Brereton, Lt. Col. F.S.
How Canada was Won. A Tale of Wolfe and Quebec.
Blackie and Son, ( n.d. (Circa 1910)), London
18.5 cm. 391 pp. b/w frontispiece and plates.
Item #:47877
Price: $30
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Buckingham, J.T.
Boston Musical Miscellany.
J.T. Buckingham, ( 1815), Boston
Two volumes. 15.5 cm. 216; 216 pp. b/w engraved tailpieces
Item #:47857
Price: $300
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Decosta, B. F.
A Relation of a Voyage to Sagadahoc: Now First Printed from the Original Manuscript in the Lambeth Palace Library, Edited with Preface Notes and Appendix.
Item #:47883
Price: $75
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Donovan, Richard E.
The Game of Golf and the Printed Word 1566-1985: a Bibliography of Golf Literature in the English Language.
Castalio Press, ( 1987), Endicott, NY
23.5 cm. xvi, (2), 658 pp. b/w ills.
Item #:47866
Price: $35
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17 Real Photo Postcards by G.T. Sun Co. Fujiya and Kanaya Hotels.
Item #:47858
Price: $125
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Green, Samuel Abbot, MD.
Blodget’s Plan of the Battle on the Shores of Lake George, 8 September, 1755…
John Wilson and Son, ( 1890), Cambridge, MA
24 cm. 6, 2 pp. b/w folding map.
Item #:47874
Price: $50
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Griffiths, John W.
The Progressive Shipbuilder.
The Nautical Gazette Press, ( 1874), New York
27 cm. (7),8-256 pp. b/w plates and illustrations in text.
Item #:47870
Price: $750
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Griffiths, John W.
Treatise on Marine and Naval Architecture. (M.V. Brewington’s Copy).
By the Author, ( 1850), New-York
29.5 cm. (7),8-416 (1) pp. b/w plates.
Item #:47869
Price: $850
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Harvey, George Wainwright.
Sea Centaur. George Wainwright Harvey. Annisquam Mass
Item #:47873
Price: $65
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Henry, John Joseph.
An Accurate Account of the Hardships and Sufferings of That Band of Heroes Who Traversed the Wilderness in the Campaign Against Quebec in 1775.
William Greer, ( 1812), Lancaster (PA)
17cm. 225 pp.
Item #:47879
Price: $350
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Horne, Thomas Hartwell.
An Introduction to the Study of Bibliography To which is prefixed a Memoir on the Public Libraries of the Ancients. Vol I and II.
T. Cadell and W. Davies, ( 1814), London
Two volumes bound together. 21 cm. xxv, (2), 28-402; (1), 404-758, (3), ii-clvi pp. Sepia and b/w facsimiles, some folding.
Item #:47860
Price: $75
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Lawson, J. Murray.
Record of the Shipping of Yarmouth, NS (bound with) Appendix to the Record of the Shipping of Yarmouth, N.S. from 1876 to 1884.
(J.&A. McMillan, Printers) The Herald, ( 1876, 1884), Yarmouth, NS
20.5 cm. xi, (2), 14-258 (1 - errata); viii, (2), (11)-193 pp. b/w woodcut tailpieces and adverts.
Item #:47880
Price: $300
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Macdonald, Alexander
The White Trail. A Story of the Early Days of Klondike.
Musson Book Co., ( (1908)), Toronto
18.5 cm. vi, 7-392 pp. b/w plates
Item #:47878
Price: $50
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Archive Pertaining to the Domestic Life and Career of Master Mariner John E. Barnes.
Item #:47852
Price: $2500
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Log of the Proceedings of His Majesty’s Ship Racehorse, Commander Sir J. Everard Home, Bart., between the 14th of March 1834 and the 16th January 1837 and of Her Majesty’s Ship Rainbow Captain Thomas Bennett between the 17th January 1837 and the 29th May 1838 and of Her Majesty’s Ship Tribune Captain Chas Hamelyn Williams between the 23rd August 1838 and 29th January 1840 and of Her Majesty’s Ship Howe Captain the Hon Lord Clarence Paget between the 29th February 1840 and 4th July 1840 by Midshipman A.F. Webster.
Two volumes, 32 cm. Unpaginated, about 400 pp. each.
Item #:47881
Price: $1750
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Naval Journal, Workbook, Study Notes, and Personal Observations of Capt. Henri Smith-Hutton, 1922-1936.
Folio journal, 35 cm. About 275 pp. manuscript entries, b/w pencil and ink mechanical drawings and maps.
Item #:47854
Price: $1250
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Unpublished History of the Revolutionary War by Asahel Curtis, Including Eyewitness Testimony.
Folio sheets, 31 cm. Paginated in manuscript. 138 pp. manuscript entries, about 35,000 words.
Item #:47853
Price: $2000
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