Here’s a gathering of diverse and interesting books and manuscripts, mostly maritime, but with a detour past Bunker Hill into 19th century academic racism, with a couple of oddball Melville items to compensate. And of course, lovely Joshua Slocum.
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To order a book from this list, simply send an email to stating the item number and ID number of the item(s) you wish to purchase. Orders will be sent postpaid and insured, at no cost to you. Overseas and oversize orders shipped at cost. Massachusetts state tax of 6.25% will be added for MA residents. We accept cash, credit card, check, or Paypal.
Culver, Henry B.
Contemporary Scale Models of Vessels of the Seventeenth Century.
Payson & Clarke, ( (1926)), New York
43 cm. xiv, 48 (i.e. 96) pp. Sepia toned photo plates.
Item #:47824
Price: $200
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Instructions for the Guidance of Captains of Foreign Ships at Portuguese Ports.
Printed folio sheet, 10 x 14 1/4 inches
Item #:47850
Price: $150
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Essex Institute.
Ship Registers of the District of Salem and Beverly Massachusetts. 1789-1900.
Essex Institute, ( 1906), Salem
23 cm. 206 pp. color, b/w plates.
Item #:47819
Price: $200
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Fay, Charles Edey.
Mary Celeste.
Peabody Museum, ( 1942), Salem
25.5 cm. xxvii, 261, (1) pp. Color and b/w plates.
Item #:47834
Price: $45
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Gosse, Philip.
A Bibliography of the Works of Capt. Charles Johnson.
Burt Franklin, ( (1970)), New York
21.5 cm. 80 pp. b/w plate
Item #:47835
Price: $50
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Gosse, Philip.
My Pirate Library.
Dulau and Company, ( 1926), London
75 pp. b/w plates.
Item #:47837
Price: $150
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House of Commons.
Return Showing the Number of Corporal Punishments Inflicted in the Navy… 1869 to 1874… (with) A Bill to Amend the Laws Relating to Corporal Punishment… 1900
British Admiralty, ( 1876 and 1900), London
34 cm. 5 and 1 pp.
Item #:47849
Price: $75
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Hudson, Charles.
Doubts Concerning the Battle of Bunker’s Hill. Addressed to the Christian Public.
James Munroe and Company, ( 1857), Boston
18.5 cm. 41, (2 publisher's ads) pp. b/w frontispiece.
Item #:47816
Price: $65
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Huntress, Keith.
Narratives of Shipwrecks and Disasters, 1586-1860 (and) A Checklist of Shipwrecks and Disasters at Sea to 1860.
Iowa State University Press, ( 1974 and 1979), Ames, IA
23 xxxii, (2), 249 pp. b/w plate and ills. (and) xiv, 194 pp. b/w frontispiece.
Item #:47818
Price: $75
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Ita, Sam. (and Herman Melville).
Moby-Dick. A Pop-Up Book.
Sterling Publishing Co., ( (2007)), New York
28 cm. Seven leaves supporting six pop-ups. Color plates and cut outs.
Item #:47836
Price: $50
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Jarves, James Jackson.
History of the Hawaiian or Sandwich Islands.
James Munroe and Company, ( 1843), Boston
23 cm. xx, 407 pp. b/w frontispiece, engraved title page, folding map, illustrations in text.
Item #:47833
Price: $125
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Kirkham, H.
Des Paquebots à Vapeur.
Imprimerie de Lecouflet et Thomine, ( 1840), Cherbourg, France
20.5 cm. 37 pp.
Item #:47848
Price: $350
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Larcom, Henry.
Distressing Narrative of the Loss of the Ship Margaret of Salem.
(Salem Gazette?), ( (1810)), (Salem, MA?)
11.5 x 19 cm. 12 pp.
Item #:47832
Price: $750
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Lynam, Edward (ed.)
Richard Hakluyt & His Successors.
Hakluyt Society, ( 1946), London
22 cm. 192, lxvii pp. b/w ills.
Item #:47817
Price: $50
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Lyon, Capt. G.F.
A Brief Narrative of an Unsuccessful Attempt to Reach Repulse Bay… in His Majesty’s Ship Griper in the Year MDCCXXIV.
John Murray, ( 1825), London
xvi, 198, (2) pp. b/w folding map, engraved plates.
Item #:47828
Price: $250
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California Harbor, No. 15., American Brotherhood of Steamboat Pilots (Cover title).
Pre-printed ledger pages, 30.5 cm. About 75 pp. manuscript entries with news clippings and ephemeral items tipped in.
Item #:47840
Price: $350
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Collection of Letters from Midshipman George Skene Aboard “HMS Gannet” to his Father James Skene, 1821-1823.
15 manuscript letters totaling about 4500 words, with integral covers and postal markings preserved.
Item #:47841
Price: $2250
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Journal of a Voyage from Boston to Bombay & Calcutta in the Bark Brothers Commanded by Allen Baxter. Begun October 16th 1849 and Terminated December 16th, 1850.
Pre-printed logbook 34.5 cm. Unpaginated, about 150 pp. manuscript entries. Printed title page with wood engraving of full-rigged ship.
Item #:47851
Price: $2000
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Letter-press Copy Book of William D. Howland, New Bedford, September 1876 – April 1877.
Bound book of 8 1/2 x 11 inch copy paper, 65 pp. manuscript entries.
Item #:47823
Price: $1250
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