It was fun brainlessly speed-cataloging cheap books all summer. I’ve worked the pile down to a mere 30 cartons. But enough is enough. They’ll have to wait while I try to make some money. This list contains the rarities I’ve been able to pick up over the past few months, leavened with a selection of some of the better titles from that original 70 cartons of el cheapo maritime books. In other words, something for everyone… I hope.
To order a book, send an email to stating the item number and ID number of the book(s) you wish to purchase. (We’re working on a shopping cart feature, but it ain’t here yet.) Our telephone system is back online, so we can take calls, but priority will be given to emails, which are time stamped, and provide “first come, first served” service.
As always, with our lists of better books, there will be no charge for postage and insurance on orders shipped within the US.
Adye, Ralph Willett.
The Bombardier, and Pocket Gunner.
E. Larkin, ( 1804), Charlestown, MA
15 cm., (13), vi, (7)-277 pp.
Item #:44650
Price: $1250
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Arber, Edward. (editor)
Capt. John Smith… Works. 1608 – 1631.
John Grant, ( 1884), Birmingham
20 cm., 984 pp. b/w folding maps.
Item #:44644
Price: $650
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Ashley, Clifford.
The Yankee Whaler.
Houghton Mifflin, ( 1926), Boston
28.5 cm., 379 pp. Color and b/w plates, ills. b/w engraved print.
Item #:44635
Price: $1250
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Beckett, Samuel. (Robert Ryman, illustrator).
Nohow On.
Limited Editions Club, ( 1989), n.p.
27.5 cm., 128, (1 colophon) pp. Aquatint plates
Item #:44655
Price: $1500
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Bennett, Frank M.
The Steam Navy of the United States.
Warren & Co., ( 1896), Pittsburgh
25 cm. xv, 952 pp. b/w plates, folding plans.
Item #:44675
Price: $75
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Bligh, William
A Narrative of the Mutiny on Board His Majestys Ship Bounty; and the Subsequent Voyage of the Crew in the Ships Boat.
George Nicol, ( 1790), London
27.5 cm. iv, 88 pp. b/w folding maps and plan.
Item #:44649
Price: $6000
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Bligh, William.
A Voyage to the South Seas.
Limited Editions Club, ( 1975), Adelaide
36 cm., xix, 150, (1 colophon) pp.
Item #:44660
Price: $200
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Boudriot, Jean.
The Seventy-Four Gun Ship.
Naval Institute Press, ( 1986), (Annapolis)
Four volumes. 31.5 cm., 166, 213, 280, 394 pp. b/w plates, folding plans.
Item #:44668
Price: $650
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(British Parliament)
Instructions for the Guidance of Her Majesty’s Naval Officers Employed in the Suppression of the Slave Trade.
T.R. Harrison, ( 1844), London
32.5 cm., iv, 556, iv (index) pp
Item #:44669
Price: $300
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(British Parliament)
Papers Relating to the Late Disturbances in Barbados (and) Further Papers Relating to the Late Disturbances in Barbados.
George Edward Eyre, ( 1876), London
Three volumes bound in two. 32 cm., xii, 247; x, 220; iv, 79 pp.
Item #:44670
Price: $200
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(British Parliament)
Three Reports on the Slave Trade. 1822, 1828, 1831.
Item #:44671
Price: $350
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Bullen, Frank T.
The Cruise of the “Cachalot” Round the World After Sperm Whales.
D. Appleton, ( 1899), New York
20 cm., 379 pp. b/w plates, ills., map.
Item #:44637
Price: $150
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(Codman, John). "Captain Ringbolt."
Sailors Life and Sailors Yarns.
C. Francis & Co., ( 1847), New York
18.5 cm., 252 pp.
Item #:44639
Price: $75
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(Colombier, Jean)
Préceptes sur la santé des gens de guerre ou hygiène militaire.
Chez Lacombe, ( 1775), Paris
20 cm., 482 pp.
Item #:44652
Price: $200
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Connolly, James B.
Canton Captain.
Doubleday, Doran and Company, ( 1942), Garden City, NY
23.5 cm. 342 pp. b/w frontispiece.
Item #:44678
Price: $20
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Disturnell, J.
Sailing on the Great Lakes and Rivers of America.
J. Disturnell, ( 1874), Philadelphia
18.5 cm., xii-284 pp. (the final 16 pages of which are period adverts with some illustration). b/w plates and large folding map, colored in outline.
Item #:44674
Price: $200
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Drinkwater, John.
A History of the Late Siege of Gibraltar.
T. Spilsbury, ( 1790), London
28 cm., 356 pp. b/w folding plates and maps.
Item #:44643
Price: $750
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Fox, Uffa.
Thoughts on Yachts and Yachting. Design: Construction: Handling.
Charles Scribner's Sons, ( 1939), (New York)
28 cm., viii, 349 pp. b/w plates, lines.
Item #:44664
Price: $75
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G.M. (G. Mauran).
Essai sur les maladies qui attaquent le plus communement les gens de mer … On a joint quelques observations sur la méthode la plus sûre de secourir les noyés, et de traiter les fièvres de l’Isle Saint-Domingue.
Chez J. Mossy, ( 1766), Marseille
16.5 cm., 360 pp.
Item #:44646
Price: $1500
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Gilkerson, William.
Boarders Away.
Andrew Mowbray, ( 1991), Lincoln, RI
28.5 cm., 160 pp. Color and b/w plates, ills.
Item #:44641
Price: $350
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