Maritime List 206

Items 26-50

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26. Clifford, C(harles). HOW TO LOWER BOATS. A TREATISE ON THE DANGERS OF THE PRESENT SYSTEM, AND THEIR REMEDY... Lon. 1859. b/w plate and sepia toned lithos. iv, 76, 10, (2) pp. Apparently a widely distributed book, as this is the fifth edition. It features eight sepia toned lithographs, including a couple showing sailors spilling out of improperly lowered boats. Laid into the back is a sheet printed on both sides, entitled “Boat Lowering as it Is,” and “Boat Lowering as it Ought to Be.” Bound in original cloth, VG $300
27. Clubb, Stephen. A JOURNAL; CONTAINING AN ACCOUNT OF THE WRONGS, SUFFERINGS AND NEGLECT, EXPERIENCED BY AMERICANS IN FRANCE. Bos. 1809. 60 pp. Clubb was a mate on an American ship when he was arrested in France in 1808. “This prison diary, covering the period from December 1807, to June 1809, details the author’s capture by the French during the wars between England and France. It includes interesting descriptions of his travel as a prisoner, comments on the French people, and teaching English in prison” - Smith, American Travelers, C74. Sabin 13795, who says this was published at the request of US citizens who were imprisoned by France and treated as if they were English prisoners of war. An interesting remnant of the post-Napoleonic tensions between Britain and France, and America’s involvement in them. Removed from larger volume. Scarce. $125
28. Collard, Allen Ovenden. THE OYSTER & DREDGERS OF WHITSTABLE. Lon. (1902). b/w map, plates. 92, (4) pp. A lovely book on a vanished industry. With excellent illustrations from vintage photographs. VG in original wraps $75
29. Cozzens, Frederic S. ACADIA; OR, A MONTH WITH THE BLUE NOSES. NY. 1859. Toned litho plates. xi, 329 pp. History and culture of Nova Scotia, with plenty of maritime interest, and two Sarony lithographs by Cozzens, an accomplished maritime artist. Bound in original boards, lightly worn. some foxing on edges of plates, rest of text clean. $100
30. “D.F. de P.” MANUAL DE MARINA Y COMERCIO MARITIMO. Barcelona. 1844. 12mo. iv, 22, (3 index) pp. “Manual of the Navy and Maritime Commerce.” A dense and complex description and listing of all Spanish maritime laws passed since the Napoleonic Wars. Indeed, these laws seem to have been so comprehensive and far reaching that they were difficult, if not impossible, to follow, and were largely ignored. The book also goes into the organization and legal basis of the “Matricula” - the system of registering maritime communities and conscripting them into naval service. Attractively bound in full contemporary mottled calf with gold spine decoration and lettering. Bookseller’s ticket of Hortal y Compania, Cadiz, on front pastedown. This is a rare book. Worldcat shows only the Biblioteca Nacional holding a copy. For the benefit of the purchaser, it comes with a fascinating and erudite full page history and description, from which this entry has been cribbed. $200
31. Davis, John Francis. CHINA: A GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THAT EMPIRE AND ITS INHABITANTS. Lon. 1857. b/w plates and maps. Two vols. bound together. xx, 480; vii, (1), 428 pp. According to his introduction Davis, “as a very young man” accompanied Lord Amherst’s embassy in 1816. He remained in Canton, working for the East India company, gaining fluency in the language and deep knowledge of the culture of China, and finally succeeded Lord Napier as Commissioner. This book, first published in 1836, went through several editions, with material being added. An excellent overview of China around the time of the Opium Wars. Taylor, “Cat. of Book on China...” p. 33. Cordier p. 72. Bound in half calf over marbled boards, labels chipped. $175
32. Davis, John Francis. CHINA, DURING THE WAR AND SINCE THE PEACE. Lon. 1852. b/w maps. Two vols. bound together. xvi, 327; vii, 342 pp. The Opium Wars and their effects in China, authoritatively surveyed by an old China hand. Two parts bound in a single volume - “Chinese History of the War with Great Britain: from Secret State Papers Captured During the War...” and “China During the War and since the Peace...” Illustrated with b/w maps. Taylor, p. 255. Cordier p. 73. Bound in half calf over marbled boards. Text clean, spine label chipped. $350
33. Davis, John Francis. SKETCHES OF CHINA. Lon. 1841. b/w ills., folding map. Two vols. bound together. xii, 316; vii, 322 pp. “Partly during an Inland Journey of Four Months, between Peking, Nanking, and Canton; with Notices and Observations Relative to the Present War.” A veteran observer’s “up-close and personal” tour of the country and its people. First edition. Lust 111. Cordier p. 2114. Taylor p. 39. Excellent clean copy securely bound in Half calf over marbled boards. Some chipping to spine labels. $350
34. Davis, Sir Robert H. DEEP DIVING AND SUBMARINE OPERATIONS. A MANUAL FOR DEEP SEA DIVERS AND COMPRESSED AIR WORKERS. PARTS I & II. Lon. (1999) b/w plates, some folding, color folding map.. Two vols. 16, 332 (2)-693, (22 index) pp. Ninth edition of a classic diving title, first published in the 1930s. Both volumes in fine condition, in very good dustjackets and slipcase. #1408 in a limited edition of 1500 copies. $250
35. Davis, William M. NIMROD OF THE SEA; OR, THE AMERICAN WHALEMAN. NY. 1874. b/w plates. 403 pp. Davis’ account of his whaling voyage on the “Chelsea,” 1834-1838, Galapagos Islands, Hawaii and the Japan Grounds. First edition of a whaling classic. Forster 36. Jenkins p. 94. Judd 50. A very good copy in original green cloth with gold decoration. Light cover wear. $125
36. Dixon, Francis B. ABRIDGMENT OF MARITIME LAW... Norfolk, VA 1858. xix, 302 pp. “Comprising general and particular average, adjustment, abandonment, bottomry, collision and salvage. To which is added the general duties of masters and owners...” Dixon was a Norfolk insurance broker. With a nice label from “Young, Barcraft & Co., Practical Riggers and Stevedores, No. 33, Wide Water St., Norfolk...” on the front pastedown. This is the second edition of his work, which was first published in the same year. Original full calf binding, with red spine label. A VG copy. $150
37. Erskine, Charles. TWENTY YEARS BEFORE THE MAST. Phila. 1896. Color frontis. b/w ills. viii, 311 pp. “With the more thrilling scenes and incidents while circumnavigating the globe under the command of the late Admiral Charles Wilkes 1838-1842.” Erskine sailed on the Vincennes with Wilkes. Second edition, with covers illustrated in gold. Haskell 131. Hill p. 98. VG with gold cover decoration bright. $100
38. (Eveleth, Ephraim). HISTORY OF THE SANDWICH ISLANDS, WITH AN ACCOUNT OF THE AMERICAN MISSION ESTABLISHED THERE IN 1820... Phila. n.d. (ca. 1839.) b/w chart. 12mo. (231) pp. “With a Supplement Embracing the History of the Wonderful Displays of God Power in These Islands in 1827-1839.” Eveleth was a Protestant missionary who wrote for publications such as the Missionary Herald. This work, published by the American Sunday School Union, was intended to instruct young people about Hawaii. It was first issued in 1829, in a somewhat shorter version, but with six plates. Forbes 778 says, “There was a later (1839) edition that was issued without plates.” This is that edition, or a later reprinting of same. It contains a frontispiece chart of the islands, and is in fine condition. Bound in original cloth over marbled boards. $150
39. (Eveleth, Ephraim). HISTORY OF THE SANDWICH ISLANDS, WITH AN ACCOUNT OF THE AMERICAN MISSION ESTABLISHED THERE IN 1820... Phila. n.d. (ca. 1839.) b/w chart. 12mo. (231) pp. “With a Supplement Embracing the History of the Wonderful Displays of God Power in These Islands in 1827-1839.” Eveleth was a Protestant missionary who wrote for publications such as the Missionary Herald. This work, published by the American Sunday School Union, was intended to instruct young people about Hawaii. It was first issued in 1829, in a somewhat shorter version, but with six plates. Forbes 778 says, “There was a later (1839) edition that was issued without plates.” This is that edition, or a later reprinting of same. It contains a frontispiece chart of the islands, and is in very good condition. Bound in original cloth over marbled boards. $100
40. Findlay, Alex. Geo. A DIRECTORY FOR THE NAVIGATION OF THE NORTH PACIFIC OCEAN. (AND) A DIRECTORY FOR THE NAVIGATION OF THE SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN. Lon. 1870, 1871? b/w plates, chart with colored highlights. xxxii, 1007; lvi, 966 pp. Second edition of the North Pacific Directory, covering Panama to the Bering Strait and Japan. With nine folding currents, harbors, and passages charts. Bound in full leather with gold cover and spine lettering. The copy of marine historian and author Lincoln Colcord, with his signature. VG The South Pacific Directory is also from Colcord’s library, but is not signed by him. This copy, alas, lacks the title page and frontispiece chart. However the introduction makes it clear that this is the second edition of 1871, and that, whereas the first edition covered all of the Pacific, this edition concerns itself only with the South Pacific - from Tierra del Fuago, up through the coasts of Chile and Columbia, South Shetlands, New Zealand, Paumotu Group, Society Islands, Fiji, New Hebrides, Galapagos, Marquesas, Solomons, Coral Sea and Australia, and winds and currents of these oceans. With engraved recognition views “from Adm. Fitz Roy’s Voyage of the Beagle.” Bound in full black leather with gold stamped title. Lacks title and chart, else complete and VG. Both volumes are scarce. They are rarely found together. 2 vols. $300
41. Fitzpatrick, Gary L THE EARLY MAPPING OF HAWAII. VOLUME 1. Honolulu. (1986). Color, b/w plates. Folio. 160 pp. Honolulu. (1986) Folio. 160 pp. Vol I. "Graphic Index of Maps and Views" With many charts and views reproduced. Essential. Inscirbed by Fitzpatrick. Fine in dj. $50
42. Forbes, R.B. NOTES ON NAVIGATION. Bos. 1884. 47 pp. Forbes, one of the great characters in American maritime history made, then lost, then re-made his fortune in the American China trade. All this is recounted in his classic autobiography (see next item.) Throughout, he maintained a keen interest in navigation, and published several pamphlets aimed at improving the safety of mariners. He also devised a new type of rig that could be more efficiently and safely worked. This is perhaps his most famous pamphlet. In it he recounts many of his experiences at sea, always with the point of illustrating something new about sailing, rigging and building ships. Rebound in half green morocco over boards with original wrappers bound in. A touch of staining along the gutter, but a crisp copy. $100
43. Fortune, Robert. THREE YEARS’ WANDERINGS IN THE NORTHERN PROVINCES OF CHINA... Lon. 1847. Sepia toned lithos, b/w ills. in text, map. xxiv, 420 pp. Fortune explored China just after the Opium Wars on behalf of the Horticultural Society of London, and later, of the East India Co. He traveled in Chinese costume and was the first westerner to reach many parts of the country. His plant collections and discoveries paved the way for the cultivation of tea in India, making this an important book on those grounds alone. However, his descriptions of the land and its people, which Lust describes as “Europocentric,” are also interesting from a historical point of view. This is the second edition, printed the same year as the first, and containing extra illustrations and text on tea. It is the best edition of a scarce and highly influential book. See Lust 1236, Cordier 205. Solidly bound in later red boards with gold lettering. Text and plates fresh and clean. $300
44. Furlong, Capt. Lawrence. THE AMERICAN COAST PILOT... Newburyport, MA. 1800. xvi-251 pp. Third edition, the last to be published with no charts. Sailing directions are quite detailed and shed considerable light on the physical appearance and condition of American ports and their approaches. A VG copy rebound in blindstamped leather, with spine label. $350
45. Gascoigne, Henry Barnet. GASCOIGNE’S PATH TO NAVAL FAME... Warwick. 1825. b/w engravings. x, 180, 16, (7 ads) pp. The second edition, revised and enlarged, with seven terminal pages, often missing, advertising Gascoigne’s other publications. After being retired to half pay in 1808, Lt. Gascoigne became an industrious and opinionated pamphleteer. His long nautical poem, written in neoclassical couplets, is a literary curiosity and a mine of information to the student of Napoleonic-era naval history. The poem is annotated with details of British naval custom and practice, and ends with a seventeen page glossary of naval terms. This is a very nice copy, bound in original blue paper over boards, and not often found thus. Rebacked to match. $200
46. Gelett, Captain Charles Wetherby. A LIFE ON THE OCEAN. Honolulu. 1917. 119 pp. This narrative apparently first appeared in an obscure California newspaper in the 1890s. This is its first book publication. “Gelett commanded such ships as the India and Uncas of New Bedford and the Arctic of Fairhaven on whaling cruises to the North Pacific and Hawaii in the 1840s and 1850s.” — Forster 50. According to the preface he wound up his career by being skipper of the famous missionary vessel Morning Star. Though written in narrative form, the account is broken by frequent newspaper style headlines, such as, “How a Whale is Handled” or, “Bull Whale Bites a Boat in Two.” A scarce account, not in Jenkins. VG $100
47. Godman, John D. AMERICAN NATURAL HISTORY. VOL III. Phila. 1828. b/w plates and ills. 264 pp. The “American Natural History” was Godman’s magnum opus, and was a valuable addition to the scientific literature of America. Volume III deals with marine mammals. About 200 pages of this volume describe dolphins, whales and seals, and are accompanied by copper plates and wood engravings. There is also a section on the whale-fishery with a plate of a harpoon gun and harpoons. This is volume III only, bound in contemporary calf. Some foxing and staining, but tightly bound. An important early work on American whaling. $125
48. Goode, George Brown. MATERIALS FOR A HISTORY OF THE SWORD-FISHES. n.p., n.d. (Wash. 1880) b/w plates. 98 pp. plus 24 plates. Removed from a fisheries report, this is Goode’s history of the sword fish, which includes detailed information on the sword fishery as it stood in 1880. Handsomely bound in black leather over marbled boards. Fine condition. $125
49. Gould, R.T. THE CASE FOR THE SEA-SERPENT. NY. 1934. b/w ills. xii, 291 pp. Sober analysis of evidence for and appearances of sea-serpent-like creatures, by a respected author. VG in chipped dj. $75
50. Gould, Roland F. THE LIFE OF GOULD, AN EX-MAN-OF-WAR’S-MAN... Claremont, NH. 1867. b/w frontis. (xii)-239 pp. Life before the mast, “including the three year’s cruise of the line of battle ship Ohio, on the Mediterranean station, under the veteran Commodore Hull.” Much travel, several floggings recorded. Smith II, 2464. VG. With a book label from the famed Old Settler Bookshop laid in. $50
Items 51-75
List 206 Table of Contents
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